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Say Goodbye To Single Use Plastic Cutlery!

July 29, 2021

Say Goodbye To Single Use Plastic Cutlery!

We don’t need plastic cutlery in our lives. It is common sense. Heck plastic cutlery is just the top of the list! There’s a whole raft of single-use plastics that are completely unnecessary.

Drink stirrers, cotton buds, produce bags, plates, bowls, straws, and fruit labels. I could go on and on. We know this, you know this. But finally, there’s reason to celebrate. The government have announced single-use plastics such as plates, bags, cotton buds, drinking straws, fruit labels and some polystyrene products are to be banned in New Zealand.

The items will be phased out in three stages between late 2022 and July 2025. About time!

The policy will remove an estimated two billion single-use items from landfills or the environment each year.

It’s quite sobering news to hear but New Zealand is currently one of the top 10 per-capita producers of landfill waste in the world.

Every day, we throw away an estimated 159g of plastic waste per person, making us some of the highest waste generators in the world.  Environment Minister David Parker says phasing out unnecessary and problematic plastics will help reduce waste to landfill, improve our recycling system and encourage reusable alternatives.

As far as we’re concerned this policy can’t be implemented fast enough. Luckily, our customers don't have to wait to change their habits, here at Ecome we have been providing reusable alternatives for several years. You guys already love our organic produce bags, stainless steel straws, forever cups, and stainless steel pegs but have you tried our stainless steel sporks and chopsticks?

Stainless Steel Chopsticks

Such an easy swap to make. Pop a set in your handbag, your car, the kids’ lunchboxes. It’s never been so easy (or so affordable) to make an eco-friendly choice.

The sporks are a fantastic choice any time of year (they were brilliant for camping over summer) but this winter they have been getting plenty of use with school and work lunch in the thermoses! Ideal for noodles, pasta, stir fries, and even soups!

Our sporks are made of high quality 304 stainless steel, made to last forever to reduce waste.
They come in four colours, silver, black, rose gold, and rainbow and they start from $6.95.

Our chopsticks come in silver, they are 19cms long and just $3.49 per set.

You can check out our shop here.


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